Monday, 9 January 2012

Alterations Made Along the Way

We have news about, perhaps, the biggest alteration that was made in the opening sequence process so far and it is the fact that Nile O'Meally-Newell, also known as the main protagonist (Bradley Keano), has left our group and moved schools so this was definitely quite a shocker for us but we realized that we are still able to overcome this regardless and our research and planning work will be quite different due to the fact he is the key character of our Split opening sequence so we will just be posting a reasonably-sized picture representing him rather than a picture of him explaining his character traits and appearances that we are attempting to emulate in our opening sequence.

However, the show must go on and we enjoyed having Nile in our group so, news aside, we wish the best for him in his future and still hope he can accomplish whatever it is he desires.